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Jacqueline Low's Current Research

This research was generously funded by The New Brunswick Health Research Foundation; The Department of Social Development, Government of New Brunswick; and The University of New Brunswick and was led by Principal investigator Dr Jacqueline Low, Professor of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick. Other members of the research team were co-investigator Dr Luc Thériault (Sociology, UNB) in addition to collaborators Dr Marcus Hollander, President, Hollander Analytical Services Ltd and Adjunct Professor in Gerontology at Simon Fraser University and Dr Deborah van den Hoonaard, Professor of Gerontology and Canada Research Chair in Qualitative Research and Analysis at St Thomas University. Working in with government partners André Lepine, Director of the Senior and Healthy Aging Secretariate and Wendy McLeod MacKnight, former Assistant Deputy Minister, Program Development and Monitoring of the Department of Social Development, Government of New Brunswick, the overall goal of this project was to produce knowledge which informs evidence-based policy aimed at improving the effectiveness and sustainability of home support for seniors in the province. Based on interviews with New Brunswick Seniors who receive home support services, focus group meetings with social workers involved in the case management and assessment of home support, and analysis of demographic information on the 4289 seniors who receive home support in the province, the major finding of this research is that in order to accomplish the tasks that make up successful daily life, the seniors who spoke to need to us weave together complex networks of informal and formal support, the corner stone of which are home support services. If you have any comments or questions about this final report or the research more generally, please contact Dr Jacqueline Low at 506 458 7439 or by email

Networks of Formal and Informal Support

Network Diagram